Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Funny Story

my sister came over today and she drove my mom's car to get here. so i was like "oh, you have mom's car".

i seriously told that story to another sister today on the phone. i was trying to tell an interesting story, but it just came out all wrong. i mean, that's pretty much the worst story ever told. i do that a lot. sometimes i start talking and i forget what i've already said. sometimes i get totally lost and completely forget what i was trying to say. anyway, maybe that's why people think i'm boring.


Puphigirl said...

That's it? That's the whole story? You told one sister about our other sister driving Mom's car to your place? Wow, you are boring.

greenolive said...

That's what was so funny about it. She acted like the story was going somewhere and she kept building it up. Then the line "oh, you have Mom's car?" came up and she said it with all this emphasis. I was like, okay. Then she just started laughing as she realized the story wasn't that interesting and the climatic point was just that Rachel drove Mom's car. To Ruth it made sense because that meant Rachel could drive her somewhere because Mom's car has car seats. It was too funny, Ruth was laughing so hard at her lame story that she couldn't breath.

okeydokeyifine said...

Yeah, I figured you guys went somewhere when I went to play my big band CD and I heard Emmy's music from the speaker. Made me laugh.

EmmaP said...

yeah, Ruthie... that IS a lame story... I thought maybe the punch line was she didn't freak out driving mom's car. Anyway... I liked my story of the sleeptalking and revealing my fantasies better... stick with me, kid. I'll learn ya! lol!!!