Saturday, November 24, 2012

This is the Season, Beloved of the Year

We are getting into the Christmas spirit at our house.  We've put up the Christmas tree and decorated it with ornaments.  I want to make some ornaments that look like peppermints this year.  I need to find little wooden disks to paint.  In my mind they look really cute. 
We had a nice Thanksgiving this year.  We went to Derek's parents' house.  We took 4 pies.  I was told to bring that many because of how many people were coming.  I kept getting confused because when my mother-in-law would list off the people coming there would be a certain amount, but then she would give me a different number.  Lo, and behold, there were three surprise guests.  Some of our Utah relatives showed up, so that was really cool. 


Puphigirl said...

so what kind of pies did you make?

Ruthykins said...

pumpkin, cherry, peach, and coconut cream

greenolive said...

I'll take one of each if you don't mind.