Monday, November 10, 2008

what happens in vegas should be happening to you!

so i'm in vegas and i'm having fun. derek is in a class right now and i get to play around the town and on the internet. ha ha ha. he's stuck on some hard chairs for three hours. anyway, we're here for some convention that his boss said he had to come to. we are here with derek's boss and her husband. actually i'm with "the boss" and we are gonna go run around some more. i gotta go!


okeydokeyifine said...

Don't you mean "what happens in Vegas will show up on the blog"?


Can't wait to hear all the fun details.

Nice you can be on a big Double Date. Or should I say a Big Tricked Out Name Date?

Maura said...

Cool Have tons o fun!!! I miss it there! :)