Friday, April 29, 2011

"Oh, Woe is Me"

time for a complaining post. our car is broken. it will probably cost more to fix it than it is worth. we've had it for about 6 years now and these last coupled of years it's been really having problems. something like a rack and pinion is broken and it's leaking stuff in different spots. i think we'll just try to get another car. a newer one. i wish this had happened a week earlier. then andy would have been on spring break and we wouldn't be figuring out how to get him to school and back home. hopefully we'll get it all figured out soon. derek is looking into getting a car loan and he's found some nice choices on craigslist. also in the bad news department, i've lost my palm pilot. i feel lost without it. i dont' know if i have appointments coming and some numbers i need are in there. ugh, i hate to complain on here. i don't want to be a "debbie-downer" or anything, but sometimes it seems like everything happens all at once.

on a better note, the weather has been really nice lately, which has caused our gas bill to go down quite a bit, so there's that.


EmmaP said...

sometimes i think "Well, I don't have cancer. there's that," at the end of my compaining thoughts. I guess if I ever get cancer, I'll have to change it to something else.

sorry about the car...

jessiewessie said...

Three weeks after buying our (used) minivan we found out we would need to replace a part for $1000. Sorry about your car. Life is expensive.

okeydokeyifine said...

she found her palm pilot.