Thursday, April 23, 2009

Uh Oh

i'm in the living room and i can hear my children laughing hysterically in another room. i'm afraid to go in there to see what they are laughing at. i don't want to yell at them if they turn out to be doing something that they shouldn't be doing. it almost sounds like they are trying to play baseball. andrew has a hockey stick that he's been playing with all day. he got it back today. yesterday i bagged up all of andrew's toys that were in the living room and dining room and put them in a closet so that he couldn't get to them. today he was being nice so he got them all back. certain toys were apparently very important to him. like his mario toy. it's a plush mario that he got for his birthday. he was really upset when that went into the bag. he was just refusing to clean up his toys so that's why he lost them all.
hmm, the kids are being quieter now. they must have destroyed whatever it was that they were playing with before. i really don't want to go in there and see what a mess andrew's room probably is.
the kids have good imaginations. they can take a toy and make it into something totally different. like a hockey stick becomes a bat, or legos become a gun. i know that i shouldn't let my kids play with guns, but they see their daddy doing it. you know those arcade games where you hunt animals. derek likes to play those. he also watches duck hunting videos. of course i watch crime dramas. they do see guns. i'd rather have them know what they are and what they are for than to be really curious about them. they also see things on kids' movies. remember the old willy wonka and the chocolate factory? little mike teavee shoots a toy gun at the tv. the new charlie and the chocolate factory has mike teavee playing a video game yelling "die die die!" sometimes andrew will say that. i wonder what people think. back in the day i would have been very disapproving of that sort of behavior. now, i try to just deal with it. i do have limits to what they can watch and do. there was one thing that i liked to watch that they also like, but when andrew started to repeat a certain word i didn't let them watch it anymore. they really like to repeat what they say. my sister thought she heard andrew say swear word the other day, but she knew she must be wrong so she asked him to repeat what he said. "mommy got her 'chine back" is what he really said, but she didn't understand 'chine as in machine the first time. she knew that we don't ever use certain words so she made him repeat himself and then she understood. see, my mil borrowed my sewing machine for a couple weeks and when i got it back i made some church bags for the kids. a little girl in andrew's class asked why he had one and she didn't so my sister told her i made it and that's when andrew said what he said. last night one of my sil's said a word that, while not technically a swear word, isn't something i want my kids saying. andrew was asleep, but emmy was awake. i gave her a look and reminded her that children repeat what they hear. she was sorry.
anyway, this wasn't supposed to turn into a lecture, or fillibuster. i guess i should go see what happened in the other room.


Ruthykins said...

okay, wasn't that bad. whew.

EmmaP said...

just remember your little lecture to yourself when someone else's kids are bugging you. maybe it bugged them too, "back in the day"... but now they are picking their battles, hehehe. oh - and i let my kids pretend to have guns as long as they did not point them at people. that was the rule.....

greenolive said...

my boys like swords, guns, lightsabers, etc. I think boys have been playing like that forever. They aren't obsessed with killing or pretending to kill so I guess it's okay. The guns they have are nerf so they just like to shoot at targets and the swords they play duels so they still don't see them as killing devices. If they start acting like they're gangsters and killing everybody then those toys will be gone.

Puphigirl said...

I am curious what swear sounds like 'chine back.

I can remember when Emma wouldn't let her kids have toy guns or swords but then they made them out of Legos anyway, so...

Cooper has quite the Nerf arsenol.

Ruthykins said...

she thought chine was the s-word

Emily said...

LOL I was really THAT sorry... ;)

How bad was the mess???